Curious about Tarot? 

Not sure how to get started?

Whether you're interested in Tarot because you want to open up to your intuitive abilities, because you want to access internal wisdom for your personal life, or because you want to be of service to others in a spiritual practice, this Tarot in Translation Online Course will help you learn how to translate energy and read Tarot from the heart, creating a pathway to strengthen your connection to yourself, to spirit, and to your soul's journey.

Hi, I’m Susan

When I was a young teenager, I picked up my first tarot deck and began laying out the cards according to the suggested spreads. One-by-one, I looked up their meanings in the accompanying guidebook, quickly becoming confused and overwhelmed and feeling disconnected from the experience. Disappointed, I put the cards away, believing I'd never be able to read Tarot myself, nevermind for others.

But decades later, in 2018, something incredible began to happen.

I began to translate Tarot from the heart.

The more I let go of the fear and trusted what my intuition was telling me, the more my gifts began to open and the better and more in-depth my readings became. I was allowing myself to become an open channel, the cards transforming into a tool to help guide and translate the messages I was already energetically receiving.

Today, I read for hundreds of clients all around the world as well as on YouTube, helping others connect with their own soul self and spirit team as they grow on their life journey and learn to trust the ever-unfolding path of their heart. 

Just like I followed the call of learning Tarot and opening up my intuitive gifts in order to expand my own soul's journey while helping guide others along theirs, you're here because Tarot has spoken to you. 

In Tarot in Translation, I'll guide you in learning the art of reading Tarot from the heart as you unlock your gifts, level-up in your spiritual practice or soul journey, and most importantly, trust in yourself.